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s lítostí vám oznamujeme, že jsme se rozhodli ukončit cvičení ve VALEO. Důvodem je nízký zájem a časté neomluvené absence. V případě, že vás cvičení bavilo, rádi vás uvidíme v našich prostorách na Praze 3.
Rádi si vyslechneme váš názor, nebo podněty, takže neváhejte využít níže uložený formulář.
S pozdravem 4elements - masáže.
Trainer: Zuzana Konopásková
Spinal mobility exercise
The spinal mobility (SM) exercise is simple, vital and very effective method. It allows quickly and easily strengthen weakened muscles and relax overloaded muscles.
Unique exercise system
The SM method represents systematic set of exercises focused on human lokomotor system, mainly spine. It combines rehabilitation with prevention, regeneration, and fitness training in single systematic procedure.
The author of the SM exercise is a former athlete and renowned Czech medical doctor Richard Smíšek. The SM method is based on knowledge of human anatomy and clinical studies. Name of the SM method represents stability and mobility. The exercise stabilize the human body (spine) and, at the same time, creates motion - mobility.
The SM method contains 11 basic exercises which can be further modified and supplemented.
For who is the SM method suitable?
The SM method fits to everybody.
It is an effective treatment for people suffering from:
- spine pain, resulting from wrong lifestyle, employment and wrong habits
- body-control disorder - injury, wrong seating position
- spinal disc hernitation, scoliosis, lateral canal stenosis - serious medical diagnosis
- stiff neck muscles - underestimated condition which can result in more serious problems
- scapula pain - common problem of middle-aged people
- dorsum muscle weakening - typical for people working in office and sedentary lifestyle
VALEO exercise: 55 min. group of 3 - 8 people
- 3 - 4 people 150 Kč/per person
- 5 - 8 people 115 Kč/ per person
- possible to pay with FlexiPass